Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 5: Morning After

I did Yoga early yesterday to be able to visit friends and it gave me more time between that workout and my next this evening. My legs are less sore, and I'm happy for that, but I'm still worried that I will hurt myself. I'm going to stretch some more this morning, and tonight before I do the workout, but it's a worrisome thing. Gonna keep pushing it though. :)


  1. Stretch after you work out. Maybe a little before, but it's better to stretch when your muscles are warm to avoid injury. Picture how much easier it is to pull at taffy when it's warm, as opposed to cold.

    When you do strengthening exercises, you are shortening the muscles. They need to be pulled back out (stretched) as soon as possible after the exercises. If you push it when your muscles are cold, there is a greater chance of injury. Remember to pay attention to what your body tells you, too!! Don't "push through the pain" if it's BAD pain.

    Good luck!! Sounds like you're doing great.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement. I do stretch before and after, especially lately, and I've been avoiding things that will aggravate the areas that are really sore. Burn good, PAIN bad has been my rule of thumb :)

    Thanks for the tip, I will spend more time stretching post workout to try to avoid further potential injury.
