Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 3: 3 Hours later

Honestly, every step I take is measured and an effort. I am not in pain, my legs are just completely blown. Stretched twice this morning, and had a 25 min (normally 15) walk from my car to the office. INsane.

I was thinking on my long walk that I wrote down all my reps accomplished for Day 1. I figure I'll post it here so there will be an online record for easier reference. That will be tonight.


  1. You will enjoy Yoga tonight then!

    Well ok maybe one some it it you really feel the burn when you are having to hold the poses is warrior poses.. if it need be just take a break and get back to it when you can...

    Your body will love all the stretching though.. at the end when you lay in silence for 1min (yes silence heh not even Tony talking) Its know you did it...brought it and you just take it all in...

    Good luck and keep it up!! will check in everyday!!!

  2. Thank you so much for the feedback! I can't wait for Yoga after this recommendation. :-D

    I think the best part about support like this is takes away some of the fear of uncertainty surrounding what's coming up. Thank you again!
