Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 4: Music

Ok, so my only other real context for fitness videos is Tai Bo, and Mousecising (when I was 8) ;), and for those it seems the music is just a beat, something to dance or move to at a steady pace. 120 bpm to keep a steady groove.

I have to say I am REALLY impressed with the music in the P90X videos. It's a standard background-esque kind of thing for introductions and the credits, but completely fades out when the workout begins and you almost totally forget about it. Afterwards it comes in very very subtly to accent the workouts, the tone, and the mood. Last night with arms and shoulders Tony went into an awesome funny little inspirational speech that really got to the core of focusing your movements and "bringing it" and suddenly I noticed that his voice was raised and the swell of the music was pushing me right along. it was fantastic.

I noted the music again today in Yoga, not for it's motivation, but for really setting the mood. It took times of focus and gave a very subtle trance likes music quality to it. The OMs at the end made be laugh, but harmonics played over Tony's loud vocalizations made for almost a transcendental experience.

I left the workout, with that feeling, and focus and noticed how much I was focusing on everything I was doing, living in the moment, not worrying about other things, from in the shower to picking out my clothes, to even writing this post. There is a mental workout here as well, beyond that of the GO-GO-GO athletic push.

I am really enjoying P90X.

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